Tuesday 14 June 2011

Wedding bells

Olivia was such a lovely girl. She was born with the good trait.
Instead of buying a new game or toy. She gave half her 
money to charity and the other half to me and leo to find 
a new and bigger house. 

Everyone says she is the spitting image of me. She even has the 
same eye colour.

She was a daddy's girl. Always giving him massive hugs and 

She loved her new bed. She said from what she can remember from 
being a tot is that she preferred her quilt as kept her much warmer.

I couldn't believe my baby was already a child. she would soon be 
making friends and being overworked with homework. 

Poor little olivia was scared on her first day. When she was around 
me and Leo, She was happy and confident. But when around 
those whom she dose not know she becomes shy. 

Her face basically shows how she feels. The busdriver 
dosent seem to notice her looking at her.

For her chores. We asked her to always wash her plate and keep her room 
tidy apart from laundry.

I teared up when i saw my baby in her bridesmaid dress.
I got this colour to match are eyes. 

For years i had been dreaming about my dress. i chose a white
mermaid tail dress. And i also loved the bling on the side.

That night we discussed about another child. We didn't want little 
olivia to live alone. plus we discussed how serial the last few years had been.

We choose this little spot by the river for our venue.

It was so lovely. All our friends gathered as we said our vowes.

Leo's eyes teared as he looked at me and  olivia. He whispered 
that i was so beautiful.

The ring was so gorges. A 7 carrot diamond and our names etched 
onto the inner.

We were now Mr and Mrs Bloom.

Poor little olivia got so upset. She cried for hours and hours.

Leo and myself kept comforting her and saying we loved her.

After the party we continued talking about another child. Plus
We thought about a new house. I f we were planning on 
another child. We need a bigger house ! 
new post out :) plz read,comment and subscribe x

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